Outspoken social media influencer Joshua Chisa Mbele has announced that there will be mass demonstration for what he described as emergency situation.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Chisa Mbele said that Malawians from all walks of life have agreed one thing which is that, there is no government.

In his own words, Chisa Mbele said that there are thieves who are helping themselves feasting on the small resources the country has.

“Today we will announce When Mass Demonstration will start. We will do all necessary notifications in addition to press briefing this week,” Chisa Mbele wrote.

According to Chisa Mbele, the protest will target the State House, where President Lazarus Chakwera stays. According to Chisa Mbele, he believes that the level of corruption that is happening in the country is well coordinated, hence a move to go to the streets.

“We are taking the Victims of Corruption to State House. People’s State House. We believe that is where looting of public resources is planned. Capital Hill simply coordinates and executes,” he said.

Chisa Mbele continued; “IF Chakwera were not involved, Corruption would have ended. IF Chakwera were not involved, ACB would have made tangible progress IF Chakwera were not involved, the Courts would have prioritized cases.”

He continued by bemoaning about the economic situation the country has landed itself in under Chakwera’s watch. He added that the whole point is to deal with coordinated scam form the highest level of government which has escalated and completely paralyzed the country, citing fuel crisis, forex among other crises’

“We will Demonstrate on the Gates of State House, on Gardens of State House, in the Comfort of State House Corridors till we rescue our country from thieves,” said Chisa Mbele.

He then urged people who are tired not to hesitate but to join the demonstrations and pay the president a visit.

However, government’s spokesperson Gospel Kazako, has been telling the populace to stay calm saying that government is doing everything it can to address the economic situation.

On multiple occasions, Chakwera has been threatening to deal with people who are involved in corruption activities but different stakeholders feel that the president is not doing enough.

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