A woman with the biggest hand has left many in a state of shock.

Each of this woman’s arms weighs 1. 5 tons, leading doctors to declare that she has “the world’s biggest hands.”

Thai native Duangjay Samaksamam runs a small business in the province of Surin.

Her limbs have been permanently enlarged due to a terrible and extremely rare disease that she has been dealing with for over 50 years.

She complains that even performing routine things like walking causes her agony.

Combing my hair or washing my hair is very difficult since my hands are so heavy.

She also notes how challenging and painful it is to get dressed.

The 59- year- old woman hid away for the first 20 years of her life due to the shame she felt about her illness.

Because of how she looked, she avoided going to school at all costs.

She needed to come out from hiding and start working so that she could support her family.

As the eldest child, she inherited the family grocery store and became its manager.

Many surgeons from different countries have tried to reduce the swelling by operating on her.

But so far, none of them have been successful.

I was advised by a few medical professionals that the only way for me to move around freely was to have my hands amputated.

However, she explains that she refuses to act.

Macrodystrophia Duangjay was born with Lipomastosa, the medical term for the ailment. As a result, she gains a significant amount of weight in her hands and arms. She’s had several operations to try to fix the issue, but each one has made matters worse.

Even after three procedures, her illness remained debilitating.

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