The burial ceremony of gogo Roseby Steven Richie, a granny to leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South is currently underway at Kumponda Village, in senior traditional Chief Chikumbu’s area in Mulanje.

Nankhumwa’s granny died on Wednesday at the age of 97.

The leader of opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa is attending the funeral ceremony.

Other notable faces at the funeral include; Mulanje Bale MP Victor Musowa, Mulanje West MP Yusuf Nthenda, Thyolo West MP Charles Mchacha, who is also DPP’s Regional Governor for the Southern Region and Phalombe Central legislator George Million.

The body of Roseby Steven Richie (Mayi Nankhumwa), who was born in 1928, will be laid to rest later this afternoon at Mwamadi cemetery.

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