Freedom Party, one of the partners in the Tonse Alliance Government, is holding its regional conference for executive members in the northern region.

Opening the conference in Mzuzu, Freedom Party Secretary General, Steve NJobvuyalema, said the indaba is meant to iron out challenges and map the way forward in preparations for the 2025 tripartite elections.

NJobvuyalema advised delegates to honestly and freely deliberate issues and find solutions to revamp the party.

“Through the conference, delegates will take stock of the party status, identify challenges and opportunities in the northern region and put forward resolutions,” said NJobvuyalema.

On the economic challenges the country is going through, NJobvuyalema said it is a crisis affecting all countries on the globe and Malawi is not spared.

Acting Freedom Party Regional Governor for the North, Fraser Chunga, said the party remains strong in the region and is ready to participate in the 2025 general elections.

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