Ombudsman Grace Malera has reported to Parliament the non compliance by the National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) board of directors on her 30 September determination to fire NOCMA deputy CEO Hellen Buluma, after her investigation found that she was unlawfully recruited.

Earlier; Ombudsman, Grace Malera, nullified the recruitment of Buluma on grounds that her employment was irregular and unlawful.

However, Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba in her capacity as board chairperson of Nocma has nullified the determination in a letter arguing; the board was not given a right of reply before the determination.

Among others the letter addressed to the Ombudsman recommends to “retain Ms. Hellen Buluma in her position … and also to pay all her terminal benefits including her gratuity.”

Reacting to the development Malera dismissed the allegation that the NOCMA board of directors’ side was not heard during the investigation saying the board was well represented.

Malera has since reported the matter to Parliament for an action on the matter.

Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament chairperson Peter Dimba has confirmed receiving the report from Malera.

Dimba said Parliament will use relevant laws to ensure the determination is complied with.

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