Second Grade Magistrate Mercy Katunga in Blantyre has sentenced a 20 year old Desire Maganga to 4 years imprisonment with hard labour for theft.

State prosecutor Sergeant Kennedy Bvumbira of Ndirande Police station confirmed the development.

According to Bvumbira, on the night of August 21, 2022, Maganga broke into a certain house in Ndirande and stole a plastic drum, a laptop bag and clothes.

Bvumbira added that the owner of the house spotted Maganga selling the stolen clothes within the township.

He then mobilized community members who apprehended Maganga and took him to Ndirande Police Station where he was charged with Burglary and Theft.

Upon arrival at court, Maganga denied the charges and the state paraded two witnesses who testified against him.

In mitigation, the convict pleaded for mercy saying his dependents will suffer if he goes to jail.

Prosecutor Bvumbira asked for a stiff penalty observing that the convict is a threat to the society.

The prosecutor said offences the convict committed are very serious and that he deserved a harsh sentence to prevent others from the same case.

Passing the sentence, magistrate Katunga agreed with police and sentenced Maganga to 3 years in prison for Burglary and 12 months imprisonment for theft saying the sentences should run concurrently.

Desire Maganga comes from Safarao Village under Traditional Authority (TA) Kapeni in Blanytre District.

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