Well-known social commentator Joshua Chisa Mbele who is also one of the human right activists in the country has revealed of the grand alliance to be formed by three main political parties ahead of the forthcoming 2025 polls.

The revelation comes amid an outcry from Malawians accusing President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of sleeping on the job.

Writing on his official facebook page Chisa Mbele said he has been tipped of the grand alliance which will be formed by United Transformation Movement (UTM), United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

“Sweeping Political Change .

“Yohane pa Chisumbu cha Patimo tells me of a grand coalition coming,” wrote Chisa Mbele.

He added: “If you ask me, I will welcome and support the Coalition that will force MCP to rethink and start behaving like a government.

“ UDF + DPP + UTM can fundamentally alter the political landscape if personal power ambitions are regulated. If Malawi is put first. IF leaders are truly ashamed of poverty.”

Effort to talk to UTM spokesperson Tumpale Mwenifumbo proved futile.

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