President Lazarus Chakwera has said his government has chosen Agriculture Productivity and Industrialization as key issues in Malawi 2063 Vision.

Chakwera made the remarks today during the 6th graduation ceremony at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural resources (LUANAR).

According to Chakwera, human civilization can exist and function without computers but human civilization cannot function or exist without agriculture progress.

Chakwera continued that graduates from different colleges or universities like doctors or lawyers, should not only build there career using their skills but to invest their incomes to farming.

in his remarks, President Chakwera  asked all newly graduates to bare in mind that they are fully in charge of change of the country and the new future of Malawi is in their hands.

Finally, Chakwera urged Malawians to grow crops that do well without more rain and user export as the way of maximizing economic income in the country.

439 graduated today with Diplomas, Degrees and PHDs at Bunda campus.

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