Controversial Malawian Preacher, Prophet Austin Liabunya of Believer’s Gospel Assembly has yet again resurfaced with a new prophecy targeting the family of the State Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima who is also leader of the United Transformation Movement (UTM).

In the new prophecy, the Preacher has asked Malawians of goodwill to pray for the family of Chilima as he foresees a break-up.

“For the past months I have been troubled n prompted in my spirit to pray for the marriage of the VP as the enemy has been trying hard to separate them and still is. They make a great couple and we can’t allow the devil win.

“I personally pray for them so that the satan won’t cripple the lady and we come against the spirit of death,” wrote Liabunya on his official facebook.

He added: “I gave the first warning last year, second warning this year and this is the third warning.

“Malawians, let’s hold hands and pray for them in Jesus Christ name!.”

Liabunya’s prophecy has attracted mixed reactions with many Malawians rebuking him.

As this is not enough, some have gone further asking the law enforcers to arrest the Preacher.

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