A millionaire Malawian man has been left devastated after a Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test results showed that the child he has been raising for two years is not his.

Ibrahim Suwedi, took to asocial media with evidence that he has been taking care of another man after the lady who is only identified as Angela made him took responsibility.

According to Suwedi, he dated the said lady for a while, after they broke up, she came back and asked his to give her a child which he accepted.

12 days after doping the deed, the lady came back and told Suwedi that she is pregnant. According to him he doubted Angela’s claims.

Things later turned south when another lady approached Suwedi and told him that his baby mama is complicating things in her relationship.

When confronted, Angela said she is just in it for the money a development which made him doubt even more and that’s when he opted for the DNA test.

According to Suwedi, rumors has that Angela was also going out with Mpinganjira but was quick to clear Thom Mpinganjira.

Angela is yet to comment on the matter.

Below is what Suwedi said…

Ufiti sikutamba kokha mwana wa angela is not biologically mine anangondikoloweka. Men go and do DNA test on your kids. These women are heartless and evil. The can do anything..Which is so bad Azibambo mulera ana a eni makomomu

The sad part is dat chibwezi chitatha afta a year anandipeza kumandiuza kut all wat she want is mwana 4m me,,,anapanga ma film ake mpaka ndinagonja,,chongolawa kamodzi n 12 days anandiuza kut ali ndimimba,,,zinamdikaikitsa n i told her kuti ngat wandikoloweka u will regret,,2 months afta i recvd a complaint 4m tamandan kut angela akusokoneza chibwenzi chawo ndi charles khombeni the casaulina guy n 25,,nditamufunsa she said ndimangomudyela ndalama,,i wasnt satsified wt d answer dats why i had to do the DNA,,i wudnt hv posted it here bt d problm is she made sure kut dziko lonse lidziwe za mwanayi yet she knew ntedza umadyedwaso ndi akhwangwala ena,,am not saying mwana ndi wa charles nawo atha kukapanga ma DNA pakut zanvekaso kut mwana emweyunso anawatchulaponso a mpinganjila ndipo ma bill akuchipatala analipilanso bwanawo,,ampinganjila ake osati a bank wa ai koma enawa awa awa,,,ndikaganiza mofatsa masanawa ndibwela ndi ma scrnshots coz i once hacked her phone

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