Police in Kasungu have arrested three people in connection with the brutal killing of a 3-year-old girl with albinism in the deep night of Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

The three, Joyce Nkhoma, 40, Cosmas Divala Ngwira, 46 and Kennedy Nyirenda, 28 are suspected to have killed 3-year-old Talandira Chirwa before chopping off her arm at Mawawa Village in Senior Chief Chulu’s area in the district.

The young girl with albinism was hacked to death while sleeping beside her 40-year-old grandmother, identified as Joyce Nkhoma, now in police custody.

Following the incident, police instituted investigations that led to the arrest of the suspects and they have since been charged with murder, contravening Section 209 of the Penal Code and will appear before the court soon to answer the charge.

According to Police, the attacker(s) broke into the house where the girl was sleeping with her grandmother and hacked her on the neck before chopping off her arm and running away with it, leaving the girl in a pool of blood and investigations continue to trace the chopped arm.

On Friday, a day before the arrest of the suspects and two days after the brutal incident, senior police officers and Malawi Human Rights Commission officials arrived at Mawawa Village where the 3-year-old Chirwa was murdered.

This was the day the Social Welfare crew from Kasungu District Office was fortifying Talandira’s grave with concrete.
Speaking to the funeral gathering, MHRC Commissioner, Boniface Massa said the Commission was shocked that the brutal killings of people with albinism have resurfaced after a supposedly two-year period of quietness.

Commissioner of Police for Central East, Noel Kaira, assured the gathering that the law enforcers would carry out speedy and meaningful investigations to bring the culprits to justice.

“When we heard about this, we had to rush and visit the place ourselves because we take this seriously,” said Kaira, adding that it was not common to have the police speak at a funeral.

“We are speaking today to condole you and at the same time assure you that the issue is in our hands and we are going to conduct speedy investigation to bring the culprits to justice,” assured the Police Commissioner.


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