A 25-year-old man in Mangochi has committed suicide, allegedly after his girlfriend left him in favor of a South Africa-based man.

The deceased has been identified by the police as Bashir Makunganya from Michesi Village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi.

Police publicist Amina Daudi says Makunganya was on 3-year long courtship with his girlfriend and the two had plans to get married.

Daudi says the two quarreled last week after another man, who is in South Africa, posted Makunganya’s girlfriend on Facebook with a love caption.

When the deceased confronted the other man, he was told that he also was in a relationship with the girl and that he was in the process of processing travel documents for the girl to move to South Africa.

Daudi says the girl then ended the relationship in favor of the man in South Africa, which allegedly prompted Makunganya to hang himself using a rope on Wednesday, after failing to convince her to stay.

According to police, the deceased left a suicide note.


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