Two teenagers who robbed five shops and went away with cash and groceries worth K100 000 while in Gulewamkulu regalia at Kalulu Village in Chinsapo Township, Lilongwe have been slapped with 8 years’ imprisonment.

Lilongwe Police deputy spokesperson, Foster Benjamin said the two, Frank Kafere and Allan Harry, both aged 18, were found guilty of five counts

It is reported that the convicts, and other four currently at large, brandished panga knives and invaded shops while demanding cash and groceries; assaulting some shop owners in the process.

In court, the two pleaded not guilty to their charges; prompting the state to parade five witnesses while pleading for a harsh sentence for them

The convicts asked for the court’s leniency; saying they were school going children and had been on remand for so long.

But Principal Resident Magistrate Florence Msekandiana quashed the mitigations, convicted and slapped them with 8 years’ imprisonment with hard labor to deter others.

Kafere comes from Chakwati Village, Traditional Authority Kachere while Harry from Ngononda Village, Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza, both in Dedza District.

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