Breach of verbal contract? Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe of Rumphi has ordered one of his group village heads, a man called Jalira, to allocate land to a woman he had allegedly been having sex with for seven months on the understanding he would, in turn, give her land.

Tiyeni Nkhonjera, 33, said after the ruling today that it all begun in May this year when she offered the GVH K150,000 in exchange for land only to have the traditional leader make the sexual counter offer.

“He said he would be deducting the money each time we had sex. But after several encounters, GVH Jalira sold the land to someone else,” Nkhonjera recounts.

So when the contract “got breached and trust eroded” Nkhonjera brought the matter to Chikulamayembe women’s forum which alerted Paramount chief Chikulamayembe himself. In his ruling the paramount chief said Nkhonjera is entitled to the land for which she paid through the breached contract.

The Tumbuka chief has since warned traditional leaders against abusing women sexually and otherwise taking advantage of their positions.

Source; Zodiak Online

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