Malawians on social media have told Member of Parliament for Chitipa East Kezzie Msukwa to first demonstrate what he is advising people in his constituency on how to deal with stray lions that are loitering in his constituency.

Yesterday Msukwa told Parliament that people in Misuku Hills which is in his constituency are living in fear due to the presence of stray lions in the area. According to Msukwa the lions are preying on people’s livestock such as pigs, goats and cattle.

As a temporary and immediate solution to the stray lions, Msukwa told people in the area not to run away when they come across the stray lions but to stare them straight into their eyes and move backwards.

Msukwa’s advice on the situation did not sit well with Malawians on social media who said his tactics are not applicable in real life arguing that it is impossible for one to keep their calm and look such a scary animal in the eye.

Instead, the people asked the honorable Member of Parliament to go the area which has been devastated by the story lions and do what he is advising the people to do.

One social media user Tatenda Daisy expressed her doubts if Msukwa can do what he is advising the people to do when he can encounter the said lions.

One Lewis Thindwa wondered if one’s life can be saved by looking a stray lion dead in the eye.

“Honourable Kezzie should demonstrate to the people of his constituency how to stare the lion straight in the eye, maybe he has better tactics,” said Ngulube Elizabeth.

Another user Patrick Spring Jika suggested that Msukwa should be given a chance to watch stray lions documentary while stressing that stray lions are perilous.

Lusungu Kalumbu said; “Let’s send Kezzie Msukwa himself, let Kezzie stare in the lion’s eye and move backwards, he should bring the report to parliament, in fact he can just take a camera with him to take a video of his moves.”

Minister of Tourism Dr. Michael Usi acknowledged receiving the report of the stray lions in the area which he said they must have come from the neighboring Zambia.

According to Usi, government has sent game rangers to hunt for the stray animals in the process containing the situation.

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