Blantyre District Gender Officer Agnes Napwanga has said early marriage is one of the factors that is fueling cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Blantyre.

Napwanga said this yesterday on Tuesday during a whistle-stop tour organized by Blantyre District Council and partners in the commemoration of 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (GBV).

According to Napwanga, almost 17 cases are received every month and most of the cases are caused by early marriages.

“Early marriages intend to have negative effects on children as they are subjected to abuse,” she added.

Councilor for Chilaweni Ward Carol Mdala praised the collaborated efforts which different sectors of Blantyre District have shown in the fight against GBV.

“The fighting of GBV is proving successful since we began last year to engage different sectors of the community such as the clergy, teachers and traditional leaders,” said Mdala.

Alice Bwanausi, one of the organizers said they have been motivated with the awareness created in the exercise and it is helping them to more in future.

The whistle-stop covered areas such as Lunzu, Lirangwe, Mdeka and Nkhalamba markets in Blantyre.

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