Heavy rains have destroyed numerous houses and left a number of people and their families homeless yesterday in Thyolo district.

According to Traditional Authority (T/A) Thukuta, his area has been mostly affected.

T/A Thukuta continued that, the strong winds have taken away roofs of many buildings and destroyed the houses of the already less privileged families in areas of Gombe and Malota.

In addition to that, the house of Village Headman Bauleni has also been affected.

The Authorities said they are looking into the matter and an assessment is in progress.

Following the statement released by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) on Thursday, 21 people have died due to stormy rains since the commencement of the 2022-23 rainfall season.

Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Charles Kalemba said “out of the deaths, lightning strikes have killed 15 people while six died due to collapsed walls following stormy rains and 59 people have sustained various degree of injuries,”.

The department has meanwhile managed to reach 5,858 households (about 26,361 people and representing 84 per cent of the total number of affected people) with relief help.

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