Opposition lawmakers led by leader of the opposition Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have criticized Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara for prematurely adjourning the house sine die.

It all started when the opposition MPs defeated government’s motion for the house to deliberate on the Press Trust reconstruction amendment bill.

After this, leader of the house Richard Chimwendo Banda proposed for an early adjournment of the house.

But opposition MPs protested the motion, saying there is an unfinished banking bill that needs to be disposed of.

Nankhumwa said the bill was at committee stage, hence it should be dealt with.

Despite the protest, Hara adjourned the house sine die.

Speaking to the press Nankhumwa the Speaker, the Leader of House and the entire government side had done a great disservice to the people of Malawi for choosing politics above the larger interests of the nation.

“The people entrusted us with the responsibility to serve them diligently without regard to politics, he emphasized.

“However, I wish to assure all Malawians that as opposition Members of Parliament, we will not relent on our noble responsibility of providing the necessary checks and balances to the Executive arm of government. We shall not allow selfish individual political interests to slide the country back to dictatorship,” said Nankhumwa.

Effort to talk to Hara proved futile.

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