A cashier for Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) is behind bars in Mangochi on allegations that he stole K9.8 million after selling 32. 900 kilograms of maize.

Mangochi Police station publicist Amina Tepani Daudi has confirmed that Maganizo Chitseko aged 43 is in the custody.

According to Tepani Daudi, Chitseko was brought to police by some people while unconscious on December 15, 2022.

After he regained consciousness, Chitseko claimed that he was attacked and robbed the money when he passing Tsanya Forest on his way to Mangochi main Admarc office.

Tepani Daudi said, Chitseko, who had minor bruises on the stomach, thighs and arms believed to be of a razor blade cuts was referred to Mangochi District Hospital for treatment.

“Surprisingly, he was awoken by an injection when the nurse was placing a drip on his hand and was later treated as an outpatient after it was discovered that he faked the fainting,” explained Daudi.

According to Admarc authorities it is against Chitseko’s office policy to carry huge sums of cash.

Chitseko was stationed at Kawinga Depot in the district.

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