Former President, Joyce Banda who is also the founder of Market Women Activities and Initiatives (MWAI), has advised members of MWAI group in Chitipa district, to use the soft loans they are expecting to get from the initiative, to venture into small-scale businesses to change their lives.

Banda said this today during the official launch of partnership agreement between MWAI and Wealthnet Finance in Chitipa.

According to Banda, members of MWAI are expected to get the soft loans through mobile finance platform, Kakupay from WealthNet Finance.

WealthNet Finance Acting Operations Manager Melvin Kamchacha, said their company in collaboration with MWAI have 50 million Kwacha available to give initiative members in the district.

At the moment MWAI has 1,291 members, both men and women are expected to benefit from the partnership.

Meanwhile, people are still registering to be part of the group.

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