Unknown criminals have murdered a 26 year-old businessman Amos Saini at Bangula Trading Centre in Nsanje.

Nsanje Police spokesperson, Sub-Inspector Agnes Zalakoma has confirmed the incident; saying the criminals invaded the deceased’s house at Kalenso village in Traditional Authority Mbenje in the district.

She said the thugs gained an entry into the house by jumping the brick fence before breaking the rear door.

“A girl in one of the rooms shouted for help when she heard the noise of breaking of the door. The criminals went direct into her room and assaulted her. She has sustained multiple wounds in the head before she ran for her life and hide in a nearby house,” said Zalakoma.

It is further reported that the thugs went on to assault the deceased using pangas and wooden sticks before going away with K1.5 million.

Saini was rushed to Kalemba Rural Community Hospital before being refered to Nsanje District Hospital where he died.

Postmortem conducted at the hospital has revealed the death was due to severe loss of blood, secondary to deep cuts suffered.

Amos Saini hailed from Nyambiro Village in Senior Chief Ngabu in Chikwawa.


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