Communities of Dumba village in Senior Chief Tengani in Nsanje have retrieved the body of Lucy Jeke who was attacked by a crocodile on Thursday.

Village Hedman Dumba has confirmed the incident; saying the woman in question was attacked while fishing at a dam which is linked to the Shire River.

He said it was reported that Jeke had been attacked and people went to the scene but could not find her.

“A certain fisherman saw a crocodile with a body of a human being at the dam. He immediately reported to the village and communities mobilized themselves and rushed to the place,” he said.

The chief added that the locals started stoning the acquatic animal which eventually escaped living behind the dead body.

“The remains of Lucy Jeke were taken for burial,” said the traditional leader.

Meanwhile, police in the district are appealling to the people to desist from plying fishing activities along the Shire River and other outlets in order to avoid crocodile attacks.


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