President William Ruto did not win the August general elections as many kenyans believe, former solicitor general and vice chief of staff in former president Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration Mr Njee Muturi, a very close Uhuru ally, has said.

According to him, the truth of the matter is that Azimio la umoja One Kenya coalition party leader Raila Odinga lost the election rather than president William Ruto winning it.

Muturi has an explanation. He says that the numbers from the August general elections point out that Raila Odinga had everything needed to win the presidential election against Dr William Ruto.

Njee Muturi says that the areas that would have been otherwise perceived to be strongholds of the ODM party leader like his Luo Nyanza stronghold cost him the opportunity to be president.

He argues that going by the numbers, all that was needed for Raila Odinga to win it was to maintain his 45% showing in the 2017 presidential election and get 20% support in Mt Kenya region to be able to hit the 50% plus one vote needed to sail through.

He decried the low turnout of voters in Raila’s strongholds with his Luo Nyanza backyard disappointing him with low turnout as compared to the 80% turnup in president William Ruto’s Rift Valley backyard.

Foe context, the Luo Nyanza region had an 80% voter turnout in 2017 as compared to a 72% turnup in 2022. Raila also ceded ground in his traditional strongholds of Coast, Western region and Ukambani.

It is on the basis of the above arguments that have convinced Njee Muturi to believe that president William Ruto did not win the election but that Raila Odinga lost it.

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