Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice president for the south Kondwani Nankhumwa has dismissed social media reports that the party’s leader Peter Mutharika is unwell.

Over the days, social media platforms have been swamped with reports that the former head of state might be in bad health and that he has been taken out of the country for expert treatment.

In a statement he issued, Nankhumwa said the rumors are not true.

“As Leader of Opposition in Parliament and DPP Vice President for the Southern Region, I have been compelled to issue this statement to set the record straight. It is utterly false that His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika (APM) is in bad health,” Nankhumwa said.

According to Nankhumwa, he had an opportunity to speak to Mutharika and he was in high spirits and enjoying a clean bill of health adding that those speculating the reports that Mutharika is unwell are enemies of the Former President and the DPP, are nothing but fake.

“The detractors have gone further to allege that APM has been flown out of the country for expert medical treatment. I wish to inform the nation that APM is currently at his private PAGE Residence in Mangochi and in sound health,” he said.

Nankhumwa continued; “Malawians will recall that this is not the first time that His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has been subjected to such kind of concocted ill health allegations. A few years ago, when he served as Malawi’s Head of State, the same detractors created similar stories and even went further to suggest that he had died in the United States.”

He then assured DPP members and all well-meaning Malawians that Mutharika is alive and kicking adding that he continues to “unstoppably conduct his party leadership responsibilities.”

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