Member of Parliament (MP) for Thyolo Thava, Mary Navicha has encouared women and youth to venture into investment through Village Saving and Loans (VSL) initiative to change their lives.

Navicha said this today at Ntambanyama during a cheque presentation and launch of a K5.8 million Youth and Women Empowerment Initiative under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) basket in partnership with TNM’s Mudzi Wathu Village Bank targeting at least 58 groups.

According to Navicha, doing businesses in groups is a better way of realizing notable gains even with small investments and overcome poverty in their households.

In his words, district Community Development Officer, Joseph Banda, has asked the first line groups to avoid misusing the revolving funds for others to benefit.

Chairperson for Thava VSL group, Mary Limbe Chikuti, said the grant will boost their businesses and has promised carefulness in usage.

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