United Transformation Movement (UTM) has trashed rumors soaring on social media platforms that the party’s president Saulos Chilima has stepped down as the country’s vice president.

A resignation letter purportedly written by the state vice president notifying the populace of his alleged decision to step down as the country’s second in command has been making rounds on social media since yesterday.

Among others the letter singled out corruption charges hanging on Chilima’s head following his arrest last year by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) as the main reason forcing him to resign.

One Elijah Mike Banda asked the general public to disregard the circulated resignation letter.

“Disregard a fake document in circulation purportedly from the state vice president of the republic of Malawi, Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima, tendering his resignation as state vice president of the republic of Malawi to the general public. Aforesaid, this is a very fake document and must be treated with the contempt it deserves,” the statement read.

Banda then called on responsible authorities to investigate and bring to book every person responsible in authoring the said document.

“Forgery and the illegal use of state symbols such as the coat of arms by any unauthorized person in this country is illegal and is hereby condemned. It is our call to the law enforcement agencies in this country to expeditiously investigate this issue and corner the culprits so that they be brought to book,” Banda said.

One of the UTM’s pseudo account on Facebook John Cupstone said the letter was propaganda from their bed partners Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

“Biggie akazayankhula mudzanva kuchochela pa page inoyo. Even before it happens. Iyo inali propaganda from MCP media team panopo ali jenkha chifukwa yaomba khoma,” the pseudo account wrote.

The office of the vice president is yet to comment on the matter, and MCP has not responded on the accusations that their team is responsible for the said letter.

Not long ago, there were also social media that Chilima intended to hold a media briefing in which he was to address infight within Tonse alliance.

The reports turned out to be fake as well.

Since his arrest last year by the ACB for his involvement with UK based businessperson Zuneth Sattar, Chilima has not addressed the public surrounding the matter.

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