Tadikira Mafudza, stepson to former President Peter Mutharika is not physically attending his bail ruling at Mzuzu High Court.

Tadikila is being suspected to have been involved in a murder and human trafficking case following the discovery of 30 human bodies buried in a mass grave at Mtangatanga forest in Mzimba last year.

At the court Tadikira is being represented by his legal team led by lawyer Gilbert Khonyongwa.

The case which is presided over by Judge Gladys Gondwe has since been adjourned to 2pm for bail ruling.

Mafudza is currently remanded at Maula Prison in the capital Lilongwe.

Mutharika’s step son is answering the charges alongside four other suspects namely David Luhanga, Thomas Gidson, Samuel Navaya and Duncan Kalulu.

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