Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) has advised everyone living with disability in the country together with the guardians to also take the cholera preventive measures seriously.

District Disability Forum (DDF) members from the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chapananga MRCS Community Development Facilitator, Magdalena Njola said they want to inform people with disability about the cholera outbreak.

“The district cholera update shows that Chikwawa has registered 246 cases with six deaths. This has prompted us to raise awareness among persons with disabilities as they can easily be infected by the cholera outbreak,” she said.

Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) from the area, Steven Tembo said people should drink safe and clean water, desist improper use of toilets and other unhygienic practices.

Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) District Rehabilitation Technician Elizabeth Khumbanyuwa said they will help people with disability to protect themselves against the outbreak.

Khumbanyuwa has also urged parents and guardians to take care of the children and adults with disability during the outbreak.

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