Police in Rumphi have arrested two suspects for stealing  items worth millions of Malawi Kwacha at Ntangwanika area.

Police have managed to recover the items.

The two suspects have been identified as, Chrispin Gondwe aged 40 and Gift Phiri aged 41.

The stolen items include two plasma screens 55 inch and 32 inch black in colour Home Theater, laptop bag with assorted items inside, three blankets, kitchen utensils, keyboard and other assorted items.

The police said the suspects did not only steal the items, they also went away with fifty thousand cash.

The two culprits will appear before court soon to answer charges of burglary and theft.

The police has told the community members who are victims to go to the police and identify their properties.

Community members have been urged to report to the police any criminals they may come across.

The first suspect Gondwe comes of Kanjululu Village under Traditional Authority Chisovya in Rumphi, while Phiri comes from Kalumbu Village under Traditional Authority Kalumbu in LiLongwe.

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