A nurse identified as Alinafe Mtengomwacha is in police custody for allegedly demanding MK60, 000 from a pregnant woman who was to undergo an operation at Ethel Mutharika Maternity Wing under Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH).

The police in Lilongwe have confirmed of the arrest.

“Yesterday January 11th a client from Ethel Mutharika labour Ward reported to our Police office that ALINAFE MTENGOMWACHA, 31 years old, from Dowa District a female locum nurse was demanding K60,000 to help scissor labour through our staff at Ethel Mutharika.

“She confessed that she has been practicing this type of misconduct in conjunction with other staff from the department. She slept in the cooler yesternight,” reads in part the message from police.

The suspect will appear in court soon.

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