Limbe Police Public Relations Officer Patrick Mussa has confirmed the death of a man  identified as Mazuzo Gunda, 29, after he was burnt to death by angrily mob on suspicion that he broke into a bar and stole crates of beer and home theatre at BCA in Blantyre.

According to Mussa, it is believed that Gunda, during the night of 15-16 January , broke into a bar and got away with the said items.

On January 17, he was seen by the complainant selling the allegedly stolen beer and apprehended.

Some other stolen items were recovered in the process.

But on the way to police, an irate mob descended on him, heavily assaulting him before setting him ablaze.

Meanwhile, police have condemned the act in strongest terms, as it jeopardizes investigations.

Gunda hailed from Mbelenga village in the area of Traditional Authority Kapichi in Thyolo.

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