A LUSAKA woman has been sentenced to twelve-month simple imprisonment for beating her husband after refusing to give her money for school fees, books, uniforms and other requirements for the children.

In this matter, it is alleged that on December 5th 2022, Elizabeth Sialanga assaulted her husband White Siakwelele using a hammer causing bodily harm.

It is also alleged that on the material day, Sialanga had approached Siakwelele and made a request for the school fees, and money to buy books and uniforms but the move made him upset and the two started arguing.

According to the convict, her husband got upset and engaged into an argument which landed the couple into a fight and Sialanga got a hammer and hit her husband on the eye.

Sialanga pleaded guilty to one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to section 248 of the penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

She further pleaded with the court to have leniency on her that she will never hit her husband again and that she has learnt her lesson.

Sialanga explained that she got offended after her husband refused to give her money but gave his girlfriend which did not sit well with her.

However, the court found her guilty and convicted her accordingly, and in mitigation she pleaded with the court to have leniency on her that she did it out of anger.

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