Malawians have been asked to storm the Magistrate Court sitting in Lilongwe today in solidarity with the embattled Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma who is expected to appear before the court for plea taking.

A member of Citizens Against Impunity and Corruption Sylvester Ayuba James made the call yesterday in Lilongwe during a media briefing.

According to James, the move by government of opening a criminal case against Chizuma is being created to get rid of her describing it as disgusting.

James continued that the whole plot has been designed to suspend Chizuma as the czar of ACB once she is formally charged. He then claimed that the letter for her suspension has been already drafted.

“This desperate move is strange and disgusting,” said James.

He then called on Malawians of good will to stand by Chizuma as she will be appearing before the court today.

On Wednesday, reports had it that Chizuma has been sued by a high court judge Simeon Mdeza for alleging that he is corrupt of which the judge denied filing a complaint.

Chizuma is yet to appear before the court for plea taking today.

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