Mangochi police station has registered an increase in rape cases in the year 2022, compared to the year 2021.

Mangochi Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi revealed that 14 rape cases were reported from January to December 2022, while eight cases were recorded in the year 2021 in the same period.

Daudi said among the fourteen men, seven were herbalists while the other seven were other men.

“Most of the perpetrators of rape case cases in 2022 were traditional healers who took advantage of their clients, who had consulted them for treatment,” said Daudi.

According to Daudi, overall crime has decreased by 16 percent, as 1,773 cases were recorded in 2021 compared to 1,490 in 2022 in the district.

Report from the police indicates that 2022 defilement cases has reduced compared to 2021 cases.

According to the reports, 88 defilement cases were registered in 2021 while 80 cases were registered in the year 2022.

Mangochi police has assured the community members they will make sure to make Mangochi a safe place for everyone.

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