Blantyre Central Magistrate court on Monday convicted and sentenced Emmanuel Kanthumba aged 24 to three years imprisonment with hard labour for burglary and theft.

State prosecutor Linda Mitole for Ndirande Police station told the court that the convict during the night of the 13th January 2023 broke and entered into the dwelling house for Maxwell Elias at Majiga in Ndirande township where he stole mattress and chair all valued at k63,000 whilst the complainant was away for a family meeting.

In court the convict pleaded not guilty to both charges which prompted the state to parade three witnesesses to prove the case.

Passing the judgement, First Grade Magistrate Mphalulo Fatch sentenced the convict to three years for burglary which is contrary to section 309(2) of the penal code and 12 months for theft, saying the sentences will run concurrently.

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