A 29-year-old man drowned in a well after he got drunk on the night of 29 January in Dowa District.

The deceased has been identified as Foster Pondani who hailed from Mandala Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chakhaza in the district.

Public Relations Officer for Mponela Police Station sergeant Macpatson Msadala has confirmed and said that according to reports, Pondani met his fate while he was coming from beer drinking joint.

“He was spotted heavily drunk during the day and at around 20:00 hours he left home again to another drinking joint and never returned. “On January 30, 2023 at around 06:00 hours, Foster’s body was found floating in a well which is beside the road,” said Msadala.

The matter was reported at Bowe Police Unit and officers visited the scene of incident together with a Medical officer from Bowe Health Centre.

The postmortem was conducted and death was pronounced as due to suffocation secondary to drowning.

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