The Consumers Association of Malawi (Cama) has criticized the new 27-member Cabinet, which was appointed in the early hours of Tuesday, as being neither lean nor efficient.

In an interview, Cama Executive Director, John Kapito, expressed his disappointment with the Cabinet, stating that it still contains some “deadwood” that needs to be removed.

Kapito said that Cama expected a maximum of 20 members in the Cabinet, including the President and Vice President.

Kapito also raised concerns about the appointment of the Education Minister, Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima, who was recently fired from her position as Deputy Minister of Agriculture due to competency issues.

Governance commentator, Makhumbo Munthali, echoed Kapito’s sentiment, urging the public to lower their expectations of the new Cabinet.

Munthali stated that the same people who have either been reshuffled or recycled in the Chakwera Cabinet are being dealt with, so the public shouldn’t expect much.

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