Minister of Local Government Richard Chimwendo Banda on Tuesday engaged officials at the council level in brainstorming and identifying implementations of projects under development budget.

The meeting was held at Chikho Hotel in Mponela, Dowa District.

In his remarks Banda said that for many years, the country have been outlining projects not worth being called ‘flagship’ at the council level.

Banda also said that government thought it wise to start bringing good projects for the people of this country.

The flagship projects will help the country in realizing the aspirations in the MW2063 vision as its goal is to make Malawi a wealthy and self-reliant nation.

The engagement with the local government officials like district commissioners, councillors and council secretariat staff aimed at finding lasting solutions to the problem by bringing sound projects.

Chimwendo Banda has commended the flagship project as it will uplift Malawi from being a low-income earner to being a wealthy nation.

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