Jesus to People Ministries (JPM) founder ‘The Watchman of God’ Prophet Adams Malikebu has said God rejected President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera before ascending to power in 2020 fresh Presidential polls.

Malikebu said this following the fulfillment of his prophecy regarding the Tonse Alliance and its leader President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

Speaking in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter Malikebu said: “If you can remember, earlier before those demonstrations, before the fresh presidential polls, God spoke to me and he said I want to show you what is coming ahead. Suddenly I was taken in the spirit and I went to a filling station and I saw President Peter Mutharika going to the fuel service station alone to re-fill his vehicle but this did not happen due to black out.

“The lady who was petrol attendant at that time was surprised and Mutharika was also surprised. I announced this that Peter Mutharika should take care that some people will cause chaos in this country and indeed this happened as demonstrations were all over and the Judges called nullified 2019 polls and called for a re-run,”

He added: “During the re-run things changed that now candidates have to form an alliance and this also came to agreement with the prophetic words which God spoke to me through a vision where I saw a duck swallowing other birds. To my surprise there was no sign that the bird was inside the dark. God said you know a duck is an evil thing and cannot produce some good and at the same time God showed me three seats, the first seat was written humbleness and this seat was occupied by Mutharika, the other seat was written darkness and it was occupied by Chakwera and the other seat was written pride and this seat was occupied by Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima.

“Then I asked God what is happening and he said the way these three leaders have occupied their seats its how they are. It’s when I declared that God says Chakwera is blind. When I say blind I mean he don’t know what to do and he will not do the right thing.”

Here is what Prophet Malikebu said;


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