A 50-year-old man at Mponela in Dowa District has died allegedly after taking too much Kachasu (distilled alcohol) on an empty stomach.

Police have identified the deceased as Zefati Punda who hailed from Kawiza Village, Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu District.

Public Relations Officer for Mponela Police Station Macpatson Msadala said the incident occurred yesterday at around 16:30 hours at Nkhamanga Village.

It is alleged that Punda had planned to visit China Jiangxhi International Company in search of a job but instead, he proceeded on a drinking spree within the village but on an empty stomach.

“In the course of drinking, his friends noticed he was becoming very weak and they decided to take him to the hospital but Punda did not make it,” Msadala said.

Mponela Rural Hospital conducted postmortem which revealed that the cause of death was low sugar levels.


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