GOVERNMENT has condenmed the act by a Lusaka based grouping calling themselves the Sistah Sistah Foundation after they decided to go against the law by allegedly marching in favour of homosexuality.

Minister of Information and Media Chushi Kasanda said the behaviour was irresponsible and has since warned members of the public to desist from such activities.

On Sunday,Sistah Sistah Foundation allegedly tricked the police when they applied for a permit to march against Gender Based Violence (GBV) as well as against sexual abuse of women and girl child.

However, in the sidelines of the permit,the group were seen marching for homosexuality rights widely known as LGBTQ rights.

Police have since instituted investigations in the matter.

In a statement, Ms Kasanda who is also the Government Chief spokesperson advised citizens to desist from such as it is against the confines of the law as Zambia is a Christian Nation.

“Government finds as irresponsible the behaviour by a group of people that at the weekend marched at Lusaka’s showgrounds, chanting and carrying placards in support of homosexuality.

As Government, we do not condone this behaviour and anyone who decides to go against the law will not go unpunished. I further wish to stress that homosexuality is prohibited in Zambia as provided in Sections 155 and 157 of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia,” she said.

She said Government is concerned that the group decided to use the permit that was given in good faith by Police to raise awareness against GBV, but used it to champion an illegal and criminal cause.

“Further, Government wishes to remind the public that as a Christian Nation, they have a duty to uphold the Christian values of morality. decency and human dignity in the manner they conduct themselves. As such, citizens are advised to desist, at all times, any conduct or behavior, that is inimical to our Christian values,” she said.


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