Unknown muggers have defiled and brutally murdered a 13 year old girl in Mzimba district.

The Malawi Police Service has confirmed the brutal murder and identified the deceased as Ida Ng’ambi.

Law enforcers in the district have issued a statement, indicating that a man-hunt has been launched for Levison Phiri who is suspected to have killed the girl.

Locals from the area confided in this reporter that Levison enticed the diseased and her 3 siblings with roasted maize.

“After some minutes, the 3 siblings she went with returned,” said Jacobs Jere, “but Ida did not return home. This led to a follow up that led to the discovery of her murder.”

A similar incident happened in Thyolo recently where some assailants raped and later murdered Praise Mafotesa, a 12 year girl, who was about to sit for her primary school leaving with certificate examinations.

Meanwhile, authorities, including chiefs from the area and Malawi Police Service have condemned the brutal murders.

Ida Ng’ambi was 13 years old hailed from the area of traditional authority Jalavikuwa in the northern part of Mzimba district.

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