Blantyre Second Grade Magistrate Court in has convicted and sentenced 30-year-old to three months’ imprisonment with hard labor for stealing.

The convict has been identified as Shadreck Biliati who broke and stole a home theater music system worth K225, 000 belonging to Kondwani Selemani.

Ndirande Police Station Prosecutor Sergeant Mark Kavalo told the court that on March 22, 2023 during day time at Chakana Village in Ndirande Township, Biliati broke and entered a dwelling house of Selemani and stole a home theater music system.

The convict was arrested by members of the public while at the scene of crime and was later taken to Ndirande Police Station.

Appearing in court, Biliati pleaded guilty to the offence levelled against him which forced the court to convict him upon his own plea of guilty.

In her ruling, Second Grade Magistrate Mercy Katunga sentenced Biliati to three months’ imprisonment with hard labour to deter other would-be offenders

Shadreck Biliati is 30 years old hails from Chakana Vilage in Ndirande Traditional Authority Kapeni in Blantyre


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