Zigwagwa Market Maize vendors in Mzuzu on Tuesday 14 April stormed Mzuzu Police Station to demand the release of their colleague who had been picked by police on suspicion of selling maize taken from Agriculture Development Marketing Corporation (ADMARC).

Vendors blocked the main entrance to the police station and chanted songs, forcing the law enforcers to release their colleague, alleging he was wrongly arrested.

Chairperson of Zigwagwa Market Welfare Committee, Kate Mtende, said that  Police picked Aaron Chisambi on Tuesday morning as he was offloading 30 tonnes of maize which he had procured from Mzimba Market.

Mtende said this prompted the vendors to mobilise themselves to go to the police station to demand Chisambi’s immediate release, as they claimed he had purchased the maize legally and had all relevant documents.

After having some discussions with the protestors, police released Chisambi to the delight of the vendors who welcomed him with hugs and lifted him shoulder high.

However, Chisambi said that he sent money to Zondwayo Mtika in Mzimba who bought the maize from CP Feeds, adding that the police confirmed with both CP Feeds and Mtika and verified his claims about the transaction.

Meanwhile Assistant Public Relations Officer for Mzuzu Police Station, Constable Rose Chipyola has asked for more time to gather information and comment on the matter.

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