Police in Mulanje have successfully arrested Davis Munankha, 21, in connection to the alleged murder of Jonathan Talawe, aged 49.

Talawe was reportedly found dead in Likhubula river after he had gone to work at Mulanje Mission on his blue Lifo XY 49-10 motorcycle, which had been reported stolen.

Upon receiving the report, diligent inquiries were made, leading to the swift arrest of the suspect, and the subsequent recovery of the stolen motorcycle.

Mulanje Police Criminal Investigations Officers also visited the scene, and results from Mulanje District Hospital confirmed that Talawe’s cause of death was suffocation due to strangulation.

Munankha, who hails from Supuni Village in Traditional Authority Mabuka, Mulanje District, is currently in custody and is expected to appear in court soon to face murder charges.

This prompt action by the Mulanje Police highlights their commitment to ensuring that justice is served and perpetrators of crime are held accountable.


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