The remains of renowned businessman, Mathews Eliazere Khondowe, were interred Friday at Mkotamo Village in the area of Senior Chief Chakhadza, in Dowa district, with fond eulogies of how the man lived an exemplary and inspiring life.

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima led tens of thousands of people in mourning Khondowe who died on Tuesday, April 18 at the age of 90.

In his remarks, Chilima described Khondowe as a man who worked hard in his life, adding that the businessman led a humble and selfless life.

The Veep further described Khondowe as a man who abided by the law in conducting his business, without cutting corners.

“Khondowe was a father dedicated to his family, a man dedicated to his community, and a citizen dedicated to his country,” said Chilima, adding, “He was focused and visionary, being the first Malawian to construct the tallest building in Lilongwe, Kang’ombe House.”

Chilima urged Malawians to emulate the departed senior citizen’s attributes of hard-work, patriotism, and foresightedness.

Earlier speakers, including family representatives from both sides, chiefs and church leaders also described Khondowe as a man who made a number of contributions towards various developmental activities and projects in the society.

Khondowe died of diabetes and is survived by a wife, 3 children, and 79 grandchildren. He leaves behind various investments including Kang’ombe Building in City Centre, Lilongwe, and a number of farms, among others.

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