Forum for National Development (FND) has asked Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma to withdraw the revocation of Ichocho Power Security (IPS) Company’s licence.

IPS director Yasin Ichocho Suwedi, in a video message meant to be a promotion stunt, claimed to have kidnapped chief executive officer (CEO) for Entertainer’s Promotions (EP) Tonderai Banda, to force his father Jai Banda, who is a lawyer, to help the company to be taken as one of the nation’s security agencies.

Suwedi was later arrested over the viral clip and after his release, he clarified that the clip was actually a marketing stunt which was done to promote an event that EP was holding where IPS was also tasked to provide security.
Addressing reporters yesterday, Zikhale described the video as illegal, adding that it is a threat to the country’s security as well as the citizens.

FND, in a written communication to the minister, has labeled the licence revocation as undemocratic.

“We believe that as a Minister, you must act with level headedness and not act out of emotions as is the case. You should have given Ichocho Power Security Company the right to be heard and make a decision based on official findings out of an inquiry of the whole matter than social media outcries.

“Sadly, we have noted that you chose to become the law unto self and punish Ichocho which has led to job losses and loss of livelihood of hundreds of families,” the letter delivered today reads in part.


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