In a gruesome incident that has rocked the community, a 52-year-old man was brutally murdered by his wife in Mafinga, Muchinga Province. Derrick Kaonga, 52, of Kaseya village, was allegedly hacked to death by his wife, Grace Musukwa, 46, after he refused to give her K300 while they were drinking alcohol at their home.

Eyewitnesses report that a heated argument broke out between the couple when Grace demanded that her husband give her K300. Mr. Kaonga had recently returned from Kachindu village, where he had been hired to cut timber and had earned K1300 from the job. He had given K1000 to his wife and kept the remaining K300 for himself, which apparently angered Grace.

In a fit of rage, Grace picked up an axe and attacked her husband, inflicting deep cuts on his neck, chin, and right hand. Mr. Kaonga died instantly from his injuries, leaving behind a grieving family.

Following the incident, Grace Musukwa was arrested and charged with murder. She is currently in custody and will be appearing in court soon.

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