Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) President Peter Mutharika has appealed to all party members to love and respect each other as one family ahead of the elective conference set for this coming July, 2023.

The call comes amid infighting in the main opposition DPP with some top officials endorsing Mutharika ahead of the 2025 polls.

In a statement issued by his spokesperson Shadric Namalomba, Mutharika said while the party takes pride in the diversity of its members, it has regrettably taken note of some “undemocratic pronouncements” by certain members calling themselves real owners of DPP.

“This is a misrepresentation of the truth… There are no owners of the party. The party belongs to the people of Malawi, its members resident throughout the country and outside. Political affiliation is a matter of resonating with the principles and policies of the party,” reads the statement titled ‘A message of unity and equality to the members of Democratic Progress Party (DPP)’.

Mutharika observes DPP members come from all walks of life, regardless of tribe, religion, gender and location of residence, among others as such in the eyes of the party they are all equal, no one individual nor a group of individuals own the party.

“We come together all equal with one accord of uplifting the welfare of Malawians through political mobilisation and economic development of this nation. It is in this regard that the mighty DPP reminds its members to inculcate in themselves such a belief and reality,” reads the statement signed by Namalomba.

Below is the statement;

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