PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has castigated some ministers for underperforming.

He said some ministers have done little to zero in improving their ministries, adding that is hindering the developmental agenda of the country.

Speaking at the Presidential Delivery Unit leadership workshop in Lusaka today, the Head of State said the lack of work efforts being put in by some ministries is hindering the development agenda.

“How many people are we going to remove from positions because of failure to deliver? I am tired of swearing in people. I want us to deliver. We want to change this country for the better,” he said.

President Hichilema noted that some Ministers were perpetually travelling and seeking out salaries and yet they were not delivering anything fruitful.

“Some Ministers are perpetually travelling, but no delivery. You should be ashamed! This is also the same for some Permanent secretaries. Work culture is not based on working from 08:00 hours to 17:00 hours. Work is ticking off delivery notes. What are we doing in these ministries,” he asked.

The President said Ministers and other leaders in Government were appointed to ensure that they create change and deliver.

“We are servants and not kings, we should not be feared by people we work with,” he said.

And President Hichilema has re-echoed that Ministers do not need fancy vehicles like VX’s when it comes to service delivery and has since ordered that all VX’s purchased at the time of holding office be sold.

He further noted that the issue of people wanting fancy and luxurious vehicles for service delivery to the people of Zambia will not work, because cars are not what deliver development.

President Hichilema expressed disappointment with some appointees applying to have VX’s purchased for them to move from home to their offices.

He has since directed Secretary to Cabinet Patrick Kangwa to sell all the VX’s which were purchased after he formed government.

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